1. Information of the website owner

The website owner is:

Business name: David, S.A. – Tax ID Code (CIF): A-08001612
Post address: C/ Aribau, 230-240 – 08006 Barcelona
Phones: +34 93 200 49 29
Registered at the Barcelona Companies Register in volume 4,634, page 130, sheet no. B-100926

2. Aim

Through this website, David, S.A. provides information about the company and its products. The information included in the website, especially in any of the press releases, newsletters, bulletins, does not constitute in any case a means of advice and its use is the sole responsibility of the user. David, S.A. shall not be in any case responsible for errors or omissions that may exist in the information provided, or for the specific application or use that could be made of it. David, S.A. reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the content of the website, this general Legal Notice and any other specific legal warning, as well as the conditions of use or the privacy policy that may be applicable to the website

3. Terms and conditions

The use of this website attributes the condition of website user (hereinafter “user”) and implies full acceptance, without reservations, of each and every provision included in this Legal Notice, in the version published by David, SA at the same time the user accesses the website.

The user agrees to use the website, its contents and services in accordance with the law and this legal notice. To this end, the user must refrain from using any service for illicit, prohibited or harmful purposes or effects with regard to third-party rights and interests. The user must not make improper use of the website by intentionally introducing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or any other program or material that is technologically harmful or damaging. The user shall not attempt to have unauthorised access to the website, the server in which the said site is hosted or any other server, computer or database related to the website. The user undertakes not to attack the website through a denial of service or a distributed denial of service.

4. Links

David, S.A. admits that links may be made to its website, whenever they are directed to the home page and no framing practices are carried out (framing is a technique by which, when users click on a link, its content appears on the website of a third party, hence giving the impression that it belongs to the contents of that page).

5. Intellectual property rights

The entire website – text, images, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents – is protected by Spanish and international intellectual property laws.

Under no circumstances shall allowing access to the website imply any type of waiver, transmission or transfer of all or part of the rights granted by Spanish and international legislation on intellectual property. Therefore, reproduction (except temporary downloading from the website to the hard disk of the user’s computer or to the proxy servers), copy, use, distribution, reuse, operation, making second copies, sending by mail, transmission, modification, transfer or any other act that is made with all or part of the information contained in the website, which has not been expressly authorised by the owner of the operation rights, are prohibited.

David, S.A. is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the necessary licenses regarding all the elements that make up the website for its use and operation through it.

6. Industrial property rights

The brands, logos, Internet addresses appearing on the website are protected by current applicable legislation. Their use and, especially, alteration is prohibited, unless there is a prior written consent from David, S.A. or the sign owner or their use is legally admitted.

7. Data protection

See the Privacy Policy.

8. Cookies

See the Cookies Policy.

9. Term

David, S.A. shall have the right to modify the terms and conditions laid out herein unilaterally, in whole or in part. The temporary validity of this legal notice coincides with the time of publication on this website, until it is totally or partially amended by David, S.A.

David, S.A. may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt the operation of this website, without the possibility for the user to request any compensation.

Reviewed on 9 October 2018